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New Hyperspectral BioImaging Facility

The new Hyperspectral BioImaging FacilityEPSRC funded Strategic Equipment: EP/Y01488X/1: ~£1.7 million investment.
Confocal Fluorescence (White Light Laser, FLIM, 2 Photon, SHG, Lightning) with Coherent Raman Scattering (SRS, CARS).

Applications for access now being taken.

For further information, please click here

Research Interests

We are an interdisciplinary group researching the structure and interactions of matter at the molecular and nanoscale. We collaborate closely with colleagues in Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Medicine, the Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology and the Bragg Centre for Materials Research.

The research area themes of the group are :

The underpinning themes for the group are:

The MNP group will welcome and support fellowship applications to external funders that build on the core research themes of the group which are Physics of life, Engineering biology, Healthcare technologies and Sustainability, as well as new research expertise in the underpinning themes of Theory & modelling, Machine learning/AI and Instrumentation. Please contact Head of Group Professor Lorna Dougan.

Lorna Dougan -hierarchical biomechanics, liquids and complex fluids, extreme environments 

Ralf Richter: soft biological interfaces, physics of sugar polymers at the cell surface